AWS Rapid Ramp Credit Program

By FITTS, a subsidiary of hSo

Register to check your eligibility

Accelerate your cloud journey with £300 in AWS credits

£300 Credit

Say goodbye to high upfront costs and hello to the cost savings, instant scalability, and innovative cloud offerings from Amazon Web Services (AWS). For a limited time, you can receive £300 in credits to experiment with different AWS services and determine what works best for your needs, all without any risk. Discover how AWS can help you drive innovation, increase efficiency, and improve your bottom line.

Deploy AWS

  • Our Deploy package is the foundation of our AWS services allowing customers to purchase their AWS infrastructure from FITTs.
  • Billing discounts starting at 1%
  • Net payment terms provided (upon credit approval) through FITTs so you’re not having to use a credit card
  • Simplified billing enabling simple monthly invoicing with custom bill splitting and chargeback processing. This means that you retain control of resources but delegate administration to us.
  • Flexible support options (direct support from AWS or direct support from FITTs available at higher tiers

AWS Monitor (up to 100 AWS service instances)

  • 60-second polling frequency for uptime monitoring against 72 AWS services (EC2, VPC, DynamoDb, S3 etc.), with an extensive list of granular metrics for each service
  • Customised KPIs and thresholds for alerting against each monitor integrated into the FITTs service management workflows
  • A bespoke web-hosted, interactive dashboard for display screens and transparent operations. Dashboards leverage your custom KPIs and can include a mix of business views, application and server performance KPI indicators and infrastructure maps

AWS Operate (up to 100 AWS service instances)

  • SLA controlled incident and alert response to maintain availability, performance and security by our certified engineers: Root cause analysis, Resolution planning, Resolution implementation, Resolution progress updates
  • Regular maintenance activities including patching and Backups
  • Integration between FITTS support organisation and the monitor service, providing an end-to-end solution for your AWS infrastructure

As an AWS partner...

Our team of highly skilled engineers can assist in deploying, monitoring and optimising your AWS cloud infrastructure.

We are approved by the National Cyber Security Centre and CAS(T) accredited. Our Cloud environments are ISO 27001/27017/27018 certified; keeping all your data encrypted, secure and in UK safe harbour.

Register to check your eligibility today!

In today’s business landscape, small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) need to find new ways to innovate and remain competitive. SMBs are rethinking their use of technology and how to best leverage their infrastructure, all while considering the benefits offered on the cloud.

The AWS Rapid Ramp Credit Program (ARRC) offers eligible SMBs a £300 credit and an opportunity to experiment with different AWS services and solutions, all without any risk.

Register to discuss your possibilities.