Customer stories, insights and other resources
We’re proud of our in-house expertise and passion for our work. That’s why we want to showcase some of our successes, share our insights, and provide useful resources that we hope will be valuable for your business. Explore them all here, as well as listings of events we’re attending or hosting.
Customer stories, insights and other resources
We’re proud of our in-house expertise and passion for our work. That’s why we want to showcase some of our successes, share our insights, and provide useful resources that we hope will be valuable for your business. Explore them all here, as well as listings of events we’re attending or hosting.
Around the world, everyone has felt the economic turbulence over the past few years. High inflation…
What is the AWS Rapid Ramp Credit programme and how can you benefit?
March update Spring is just around the corner, and I for one am looking forward to the longer…
Microsoft Monthly Insight – March 2024
Microsoft Teams has become an essential tool for remote collaboration and communication, and its…
What’s coming to Microsoft Teams this year?
Agile is not just a buzzword; it’s a mindset bringing people and processes together by finding the…
What are the benefits of Agile Methodology?
February update We are back for another exciting year of advancements and innovations from…
Microsoft Monthly Insight – February 2024
In an era where technology shapes every facet of our lives, software engineering stands as the…
What to expect in the next decade of software engineering
Take advantage of industry-leading AI technology, and a cloud-scale data and app platform to…
Leveraging AI to Build and Modernize Your Apps
January update Happy New Year! We are back for another exciting year of advancements and…
Microsoft Monthly Insight – January 2024
As cloud computing continues to revolutionize the way businesses operate, it is crucial to optimize…
Streamlining Your Cloud Infrastructure: Unleashing the Power of Microsoft CoPilot for Azure
December update Happy Holiday Season everyone! In the constantly evolving world of technology,…
Microsoft Monthly Insight – December 2023
In a recent blog post, Gartner, Inc. revealed its top strategic predictions for 2024 and beyond.…
Unveiling Gartner’s Bold Predictions for IT Organisations and Users Beyond 2024: Prepare for the Future of Technology
November update Welcome to your Microsoft Monthly Insight!In the fast-paced world of technology,…
Microsoft Monthly Insight – November 2023
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into cybersecurity presents a paradox. On one hand,…
Cybersecurity in the Age of AI: Navigating the Digital Frontier
Improve your Security Operations Center(SOC) efficiency with unrivaled threat intelligence and…
Supercharge your security operations with XDR
October update Welcome to your Microsoft Monthly Insight!In the fast-paced world of technology,…
Microsoft Monthly Insight – October 2023
At the end of August Microsoft announced it would be changing the license of Microsoft 365, Office…
New license changes to Microsoft 365 in Europe
In today's digital age, businesses rely heavily on technology to streamline operations, enhance…
How can Microsoft Intune simplify Managed IT?
Stay ahead of the AI revolution. Modernise your workflow and make complex, high-quality decisions…
The Total Economic Impact™ Of Microsoft Azure AI
August update Welcome to your Microsoft Monthly Insight!In the fast-paced world of technology,…
Microsoft Monthly Insight – August 2023
In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses across the globe are embracing digital…
Embracing Digital Transformation: Unleashing the Power of Technology for Sustainable Growth
FITTS announced today that the company has been awarded not one, but two Advanced Specialisations…
FITTS Awarded Two Advanced Specialisations by Microsoft.
July update Welcome to your Microsoft Monthly Insight!Welcome to Microsoft monthly Insight,…
Microsoft Monthly Insight – July 2023
Migrating to the cloud can provide businesses with numerous benefits such as cost savings,…
Do more with less with Microsoft Azure
In this digital world, having a reliable operating system is vital for the productivity,…
What’s new in Windows 11?
There are very few businesses today that are not seriously considering what artificial intelligence…
Have you used Azure Cognitive Services yet?
Azure Virtual Machines give organisations a flexible, cost-effective, and efficient way of using…
5 uses of Azure Virtual Machines
In March 2023, Microsoft announced that it had begun testing Copilot, its ChatGPT-powered workplace…
Will Microsoft’s ChatGPT-powered Copilot boost your productivity?
Are your colleagues using Microsoft 365 as much as you would have hoped? Despite the widespread…
Here’s why you need Microsoft Learning Pathways
FITTS today announced they have been awarded another Microsoft Solutions Designation for Security.…
FITTS Awarded New Microsoft Security Solution Designation
Microsoft are constantly working on ways to improve Teams to bring you the best user experience,…
Microsoft Teams – What’s new?
May update Welcome to your Microsoft Monthly Insight!Spring has finally sprung! And we are back…
Microsoft Monthly Insight – May 2023
Are you one of the 20 million people who use Microsoft Viva on a regular basis? Despite only…
Microsoft Viva – What’s new?
Ensuring the security of a company's assets is one of the critical responsibilities for any…
Securing Your External Attack Surface
In 2023, every organisation is keeping up with dynamic digital transformations as more data is…
Why you need Microsoft Sentinel Cloud-Native SIEM/SOAR as your next generation solution for security analytics
March update Welcome to your Microsoft Monthly Insight!Welcome back to Microsoft monthly…
Microsoft Monthly Insight – March 2023
A Leading Bank Group set new security and compliance standards across East Africa while improving…
Leading Bank Group increase productivity, security & compliance with high velocity digital transformation.
February update Welcome to your Microsoft Monthly Insight!Welcome back to Microsoft monthly…
Microsoft Monthly Insight – February 2023
Effective from 1st April 2023, Microsoft will be increasing their prices globally to enable…
Microsoft 9% UK Price Increase
The toll that a ransomware attack can have on its victims is terrible. While we often think of the…
Ransomware is a crime with real consequences. Protect yourself now
Last year Microsoft made changes to the Microsoft Partners Network, renaming it to Microsoft Cloud…
Introducing the New Microsoft Cloud Partner Program
Zero-Trust Foundations: Identity As the financial services industry continues to evolve, so too do…
Story Part 2: Identity Protection
Love them or loathe them, we’re spending more time in meetings than ever before. According to a…
Do you need Teams Premium?
Do people at your organisation ever struggle with finding business data? If so, you’re not alone.…
Microsoft Purview: What can it do for you?
January update Welcome to your Microsoft Monthly Insight!Happy New Year Everyone! We hope you…
Microsoft Monthly Insight – January 2023
How are you feeling about your organisation’s IT prospects this year? While we all hope that 2023…
5 key challenges for CIOs in 2023
If your organisation relies on AWS’s tech stack, then staying abreast of new developments is key.…
AWS re:Invent 2022– five key announcements
Business technology has grown incredibly complex over the last decade. Cast your mind back just ten…
Why an IT managed service provider is a solid investment for your business
What are your business’s plans for cybersecurity in 2023? For some companies, it’s a case of…
2023 Cybersecurity Trends
The global pandemic ignited a wave of cloud migration for mission-critical workloads. Cloud…
Cloud transformation outlook in a do more with less world
Does your IT team spend hours every day dealing with your technical debt? According to one study,…
How to reduce your organisation’s technical debt
December update Welcome to your Microsoft Monthly Insight! Bringing you the latest in Business…
Microsoft Monthly Insight – December Issue
Newsweek has announced its first annual rankings for the U.K.’s Top 100 Most Loved Workplaces®…
FITTS named in U.K.’s top 100 most loved workplaces list for 2022
Enterprise Financial Services Microsoft 365 Adoption – Planning and Design Digital transformation…
Story Part 1: Workshops and Roadmap
Have you ever found yourself doing an annoying task at work, thinking: “Wouldn’t it be helpful if…
Microsoft PowerApps: the ‘middle way’ in the buy vs build software debate
Microsoft Ignite 2022 is an annual jamboree for the technology giant, where the Redmond-based firm…
Microsoft Ignite 2022 – 5 takeaways you need to know about
Imagine your company has recently moved into a new office which has lots of services to help…
Are you REALLY using your Microsoft 365 licences to full effect?
Are cloud bills pummelling your IT budget? Have you ever been shocked by an unexpectedly expensive…
Get on top of cloud cost wastage
Your company's Microsoft licences are, in many ways, like a household budget. With a tough few…
7 ways to spend less on Microsoft 365 licences
There is a storm coming for businesses across the UK. From dramatic leaps in energy bills through…
There’s never been a more urgent time to review your IT spend
There are few industries where collaboration is more important than in the public transport sector.…
3 ways public transport firms can improve collaboration
August update Welcome to your Microsoft Monthly Insight! Bringing you the latest in Business…
Microsoft Monthly Insight
Banks have long been one of the prime targets of cyber criminals. However, in the last couple of…
5 cybersecurity threats facing banks in 2022
UK-based Nationwide is the leading building society in the world, providing 16 million members with…
Creating a business continuity and disaster recovery plan: Nationwide Building Society chooses Microsoft Azure
How companies are managing data in near real time to deliver actionable insights to improve product…
Driving Value From Your Data in Times of Change
July update Welcome to your Microsoft Monthly Insight! Bringing you the latest in Business Change…
Microsoft Monthly Insight
Imagine someone in your onboarding team wants to run a question about a new customer by your…
How to improve interdepartmental communication at banks
Kenya ODPC registration quick guide
Kenya ODPC registration quick guide for Data Processors and Controllers
There is a huge amount of excitement about the potential of digital transformation in public…
Why public transport must get digital transformation fundamentals right
Public transport has changed irrevocably in the past two years. Despite lockdowns easing in much of…
7 technologies that can help public transport adapt to a new era
In early 2022 Kenya’s new data protection regulations came into effect, governing what businesses…
Kenya’s data protection laws are now in effect: how to comply
Imagine a new joiner is working from home and they want to find out what your company expenses…
Have you built a Power Virtual Agent yet?
Imagine a bank customer who lives in the UK. This morning, she’s made handful of purchases in her…
How Microsoft’s AI tools are helping financial services tackle fraud
In late 2021, technology giant Microsoft announced its new Microsoft Cloud for Manufacturing. The…
What is Microsoft Cloud for Manufacturing – and do you need it?
From start-ups to enterprises, thousands of organizations around the world are using Microsoft…
10 innovation areas that are reshaping app development
Local government, hospitals and medical centres are using Tala to improve the way they communicate…
Reducing language barriers for a more inclusive society
May update We are back bringing you the latest Microsoft Monthly Insight focused on Business…
Microsoft Monthly Insight
In October 2021, tech giant Microsoft released a new product: Microsoft Cloud for Financial…
What is Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services… and do you need it?
How are leading financial institutions shaping the future of the industry? With cloud.
The Cloud Era of Financial Services
With the abundance of data collected by companies, as well as the labor-intensive, manual, and—in…
Mining intelligent insights with machine learning in Financial Services
Shared Responsibility makes a clear distinction between security of the cloud and the security in…
The C Suite Guide to Shared Responsibility for AWS Cloud Security
There’s more than one way to migrate an app. Common migration patterns usually follow one of six…
Seven common patterns for AWS migration: “The 7 R’s”
When migrating to the cloud, the ability to move and achieve business value fast is a critical…
8 key drivers that compel businesses to migrate to the AWS cloud
The AWS Shared Responsibility Model (SRM) makes it easy to understand your choices for protecting…
The AWS Shared Responsibility Model explained
Sometimes, readymade software just doesn’t fit the bill. Whether you need a tool for an unusual…
How Microsoft Azure makes continual innovation possible
April's update We are back bringing you the latest Microsoft Monthly Insight focused on Business…
Microsoft Monthly Insight
What is Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service… and do you need it? Imagine for a minute that a disaster…
What is Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service… and do you need it?
In May 2021, ransomware hit headlines again. In one of the biggest ransomware attacks of the year,…
How to manage the ransomware risk in 2022
Edge computing is a significant trend in cloud technology today. Recent research shows that over…
What exactly is edge computing, and what does it mean for your business?
In an ideal world, every employer would implicitly trust their employees. Once someone is inside…
Why User Behaviour Analytics is vital for modern IT security
How many cloud platforms is your organisation using today? According to recent research from IBM,…
How to build a secure multi-cloud environment
While cloud offers new opportunities to modernise services and transform operations, security and…
Microsoft Azure security fundamentals
The extraordinary pace of change means businesses need to be nimbler and more agile than ever.…
How to innovate in the cloud with Microsoft Azure
Azure Virtual Desktops [AVD] combine unparalleled security, power and flexibility for businesses.…
Making Azure Virtual Desktop a reality
Cloud value is an essential requirement for digital transformation and migrating enterprise…
How to migrate your workloads to Azure
Today’s small and medium-sized businesses have far more complex network setups than ever before. It…
7 benefits of Cisco Meraki
The Zero Trust model is perhaps the most significant trend in enterprise cyber security today.…
How the Zero Trust model is different to what’s gone before
On 1st March, Microsoft will increase the subscription fee for many of its enterprise and business…
Microsoft is raising prices on 1st March: here’s how to prepare
A digital transformation offers an incredible opportunity to improve how your business works.…
Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework – what is it and why do we use it?
The number of companies using Microsoft Azure is growing at an astonishing rate – Microsoft’s…
7 steps for an Azure migration strategy
Until recently, moving your enterprise IT architecture to Azure was a relatively complex process.…
What is an Azure Landing Zone?
Whether it was the Colonial Pipeline breach, or the attack on Scotland’s University of The…
Cybersecurity predictions for 2022
£3 million. That is the average cost of a cybersecurity breach in 2021 - according to IBM. Besides…
5 Microsoft Azure security features that can benefit your organisation
Azure is Microsoft’s cloud computing service, allowing for the development of powerful Cloud…
Microsoft Azure: Welcome to the Modern Workplace
Running a multi-cloud environment is increasingly seen as the norm when it comes to enterprise IT…
How to run a multi-cloud environment
Managing a corporate data centre has traditionally been highly complex, requiring employees with…
What is a hyperconverged infrastructure – and do you need one?
The cloud is how business gets done today. According to one study, 94% of companies already use at…
Best cloud providers according to Gartner Magic Quadrant
Wherever in your Cloud journey you may be, Azure Virtual Desktop (formerly Windows Virtual Desktop)…
Your complete guide to Azure Virtual Desktop
So, you have made the move to Azure. Following months of planning and preparation, your business…
How to monitor Azure cloud adoption
After almost two years of lockdowns and remote working, the consensus is now becoming clear: hybrid…
Why AVD is the ultimate hybrid work solution
As an IT professional, modernising your company’s technology may well be one of the most important…
How to build a business case for Azure
Whether you are paying staff, managing customer accounts, or developing new products, business…
Business processes in the cloud versus on-premises: what you need to know
Meet Ted, an IT pro at a medium-sized business. One of Ted’s responsibilities involves managing the…
Where to start with Azure Automation
Backing up your company’s data has always been essential. It protects you from accidental deletion,…
How does your company’s data protection strategy compare?
Over the past decade or so, cloud companies have emphasised that a key benefit of the technology is…
Why your business needs to backup cloud data
Imagine your organisation was contacted by a national auditor who wanted to do a spot check of…
Ask the expert: how to auto-label your documents and data.
Did you know that almost 50% of Kenyan businesses have suffered a cybersecurity breach during the…
3 simple cybersecurity steps for Kenyan business leaders
One of the great advantages of cloud technology is that it is continually being updated. But this…
7 insights from Microsoft Ignite 2021
Microsoft 365 boasts some of the most advanced cloud security in the world. The company is…
How to Backup Microsoft 365 Data
Whether it’s energy firms like M-Kopa, delivery businesses like Sendy, or fintech start-ups like…
3 Tech priorities for high growth SMEs in Kenya
Cloud-based IT platforms like Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace are currently being used by…
Microsoft 365 versus Google Workspace: which is right for your growing Kenyan business?
Established in 2003, with a purpose to create sustainable employment by enabling small businesses…
Equity for Tanzania secures hybrid workplace with Microsoft 365
People do not like passwords. They are prone to forgetting, being exposed and the biggest attack…
Password-less Authentication
Over the past year and a half, Microsoft Teams has had a seemingly unstoppable rise. In March 2020…
7 statistics to build your Microsoft Teams business case
When was the last time you closed a video streaming account because you just weren’t using the…
Is your procurement team bossing Microsoft 365 licenses?
At the beginning of July, Microsoft made a significant announcement about pricing and licencing…
Microsoft Power Apps licencing changes – what this means for citizen developers and your CFO.
Microsoft Inspire is the annual conference for the tech firm’s partner community, where…
7 things we learned at Microsoft inspire 2021
Microsoft is continually updating its Teams platform to bring you better and more useful features.…
5 new Microsoft Teams updates you should know about
Your colleagues have been through a lot of change recently! Think for a moment about just how…
Hybrid work is coming. What’s your adoption plan?
An effective strategy is vital to business success. A strategy defines your company’s vision, then…
How to adjust your business strategies in the hybrid working era
Multi-national transport business Arriva knew something had to change. The firm was seeing its…
Arriva chooses the FITTS Team to streamline its technology set-up
Did you know that half of all businesses were affected by some kind of breach during the first…
What’s your security plan for hybrid working?
As your colleagues start tentatively coming back to the office, what will await them? Will it feel…
Hybrid working tech: how to prepare your business for the new workplace
It’s the year 2025 and you’re looking through minutes from a meeting last week. As you think about…
Get ready for hybrid workplaces with these Microsoft Teams features
If your organisation expects to introduce some form of hybrid working – when staff spend part of…
Driving adoption of your new hybrid workspace
Remote and hybrid working brings with it a long list of security implications for business’ - and…
Redefining security practices for Hybrid Working
The shift to hybrid work is a strategic business opportunity for every organisation – one that…
Business strategies in the age of extreme workplace flexibility
Microsoft Teams was built for Hybrid working. The solution provides a collaborative workspace…
Accelerate your Hybrid workplace with Microsoft Teams
Digital inclusion and accessibility is about making your company’s technology as easy as possible…
Why digital inclusion and accessibility are easier than you think
How many webinars have you attended over the past year? The pandemic and rise in working from home…
Why Microsoft’s new Teams webinar features are a gamechanger
Did you know that 40% of employers say over half of the workforce will regularly work from home…
10 factors to consider when shifting to hybrid working
Did you know that the UK is the second largest market for interpretation services in the world?…
When do you need interpretation services?
3.5% of GDP. That is how much the UK's lack of language skills reportedly costs the economy each…
How much does business interpreting cost?
How do people think about cybersecurity at your organisation? Is it seen as the IT department’s…
What is a security conscious culture?
At last week’s Ignite developer conference, Microsoft announced several important Microsoft Teams…
March 2021 Microsoft Teams updates – what you need to know
Imagine it's your first week at a new job in the middle of lockdown. During the onboarding process,…
What is Microsoft Viva and how does it help your organisation?
Businesses are using more software apps than ever before. A 2019 report revealed that the number of…
Microsoft Teams enables business strategy
When COVID-19 arrived in the UK last February it kickstarted a tumultuous year that changed the…
Workplace 2021: What the macrotrends mean for your business
Microsoft provides a powerful suite of tools to protect data when it is within your organisation’s…
5 ways Microsoft protect’s your company’s data
Glen is your building’s facilities manager and he’s just received an email with the word ‘urgent’…
Are you scratching the surface of Microsoft 365 security?
Some of the best business security available today looks surprisingly similar to the way credit…
Why you should treat business security like a credit check
On April 14th this year, millions of IT workers breathed a sigh of relief. Amid the coronavirus…
With SharePoint 2010 support ending next April, now is the time to act.
Microsoft Teams is a collaborative workspace within Microsoft 365, that acts as a central hub for…
Microsoft Teams for leadership: usage and engagement
Work can be challenging, especially when you aren’t equipped with the right resources. Within the…
Top Tips for Accessibility in Microsoft Teams
For thousands of years, there has only been one way for governments, businesses, individuals and…
Speechly: Join the language translation revolution
Microsoft Teams is a collaborative workspace within Microsoft 365, that acts as a central hub for…
Microsoft Teams: meetings deep-dive
Over the last few weeks and months, I, like most of you I’m sure, have been watching the handling…
The Coronavirus Pandemic and how Change Management could help
Microsoft Teams is a collaborative workspace within Microsoft 365, that acts as a central hub for…
Microsoft Teams as a business strategy enabler
New technologies promise enormous benefits to organisations large and small. However, as…
People are not resistant to change
As organisations look to reap incremental gains from investments in modern workplace technologies;…
Africa, the new frontier for modern business
2020 has been a huge year for Microsoft Teams, with skyrocketing adoption and almost continual…
7 of the best new Microsoft Teams features announced at Ignite
Learn how you can use Microsoft 365 to secure your company data and information, and reduce…
Company security in Microsoft 365
Learn how you can use Microsoft 365 to secure your workforce user data and information, and reduce…
User security in Microsoft 365
As businesses shift to the cloud, and with workforces more mobile than ever before, employees…
Identity is the new security
Countless businesses use custom applications to support their processes and get work done faster.…
Why Microsoft Power Apps should be part of your tech strategy
Microsoft Power Platform combines the robust power of PowerApps, PowerBi, and Power Automate into…
An introduction to Microsoft Power Platform
Now more than ever, organisations are tightening their belts and looking to reduce costs and…
Optimise your cloud costs
Now more than ever it is important you are getting the best possible value from your technology…
Microsoft licences – how to spend less
Imagine you wake up one morning to multiple missed calls and panicked emails. You soon learn that a…
Using Microsoft 365 to classify and secure your data
Over the last decade – and for the first time ever – a growing number of companies have found they…
What is your plan for managing a multi-generational workforce?
One of the key business requirements resulting from modern workplace adoption is protection across…
Elevate your cloud security with Microsoft Cloud App Security
Microsoft 365 Secure Score provides your organisation with an ever-growing selection of tools and…
Introducing Microsoft 365 Secure Score
Confused by Microsoft’s cloud productivity licences? You are not alone. Since the launch of Office…
Microsoft Licences Explained
What are the benefits and considerations when going down the Agile path? According to a 2017 global…
The Agile Way – Is it right for you?
The last few months have been incredibly challenging for cybersecurity in businesses. Employees…
Microsoft Advanced Threat Protection Licences Explained
Choosing a video conferencing and meetings solution was a decision that was forced upon many of our…
Zoom versus Teams – Did I buy the right ticket?
his eBook describes seven key steps on the journey to a new way of working with Microsoft Teams,…
Your journey to Microsoft Teams
This month, we at FITTS celebrated another birthday together as a FITTS family and I find this a…
FITTS – Looking back and thinking forward
Microsoft last month announced a new set of features coming to Microsoft Teams in response to the…
14 New Teams Features in Microsoft 365
New technologies promise enormous benefits to your organisation. However, as experienced IT…
Your guide to business change management
On 8th July, FITTS rebrands qith a new logo, company colours and style – you will notice that our…
FITTS rebrands to coincide with exciting new developments
Investec is an international banking and wealth management group. It provides a range of financial…
Investec Wealth partners with FITTS for Adoption Change Management of Microsoft Teams
When Microsoft introduced its new Teams platform in 2017, it represented a new era for cloud-based…
Insights for an effective rollout with Microsoft Teams
The benefit of hindsight in business change with Microsoft 365 Picture the scene. Suddenly, in the…
Change and Adoption of Microsoft 365 – whose job is it anyway?
When your organisation moves to Microsoft 365, you are doing much more than simply deploying new…
8 Insider Tips for Microsoft 365 Change Management
Has Covid-19 forced your company to change its relationship with the office? The lockdown and…
5 tips to smash your remote working routine
Are you getting the full experience of Microsoft Teams? Unless you are using add-ins and…
Our Favourite Microsoft Teams Extensions
Microsoft Teams has recently been thrust into the spotlight as thousands of people who had never…
Microsoft Teams FAQ’s
There is a worrying weakness at the heart of thousands of UK businesses. As more companies migrate…
Close the Cloud Security Skills Gap with Microsoft Secure Score.
In the last few months there has been a huge rise in cyber security attacks as more people than…
How to protect your employees from cyber security threats
Cyber security has always been a key consideration for businesses – how do you protect your data…
EMS in Microsoft 365 – common concerns and how to address them
So many organisations make the same mistake when they’re choosing new technology. They focus on…
3 crucial tips for managing change with new business technology
Let's talk
If you’d like to learn more details about the work we’ve done, discuss any of the topics we’ve raised, or have any queries about anything else, we’d be happy to talk.
Let's talk
If you’d like to learn more details about the work we’ve done, discuss any of the topics we’ve raised, or have any queries about anything else, we’d be happy to talk.