Cyber Essential+

Cyber Essentials + is a government-backed cybersecurity certification scheme that builds on the requirements of the Cyber Essentials scheme. This module provides support to help organisations achieve the Cyber Essentials + certification and maintain compliance with the scheme’s requirements.

About this service

  • Cybersecurity assessment: Conduct an assessment to determine the organisation’s current cybersecurity posture and identify areas where improvements can be made.
  • Cyber Essentials + certification support: Provide guidance and support to help the organisation achieve Cyber Essentials + certification.
  • Ongoing compliance monitoring: Monitor the organisation’s cybersecurity posture to ensure ongoing compliance with Cyber Essentials + requirements.
  • Incident response planning: Develop an incident response plan to ensure that cybersecurity incidents are quickly and effectively addressed.
  • Employee cybersecurity training: Provide training and support to the organisation’s employees to ensure that they are using technology resources effectively and in compliance with industry standards and regulations.

Benefits of outsourcing:

  • Comprehensive cybersecurity: By outsourcing Cyber Essentials +, the organisation gains access to a comprehensive set of cybersecurity controls and best practices.
  • Reduced costs: Outsourcing Cyber Essentials + can be more cost-effective than hiring a full-time cybersecurity professional.
  • Reduced risk: By implementing Cyber Essentials +, the organisation can reduce the risk of cybersecurity incidents and data breaches.

Risk management benefits:

  • Enhanced cybersecurity risk mitigation: Implementing the Cyber Essentials + framework can help mitigate cybersecurity risks by ensuring that advanced security controls are in place.
  • Compliance: Implementing Cyber Essentials + can help the organisation meet regulatory and compliance requirements related to cybersecurity.
  • Reduced impact of cybersecurity incidents: By implementing Cyber Essentials +, the organisation can reduce the impact of cybersecurity incidents and data breaches.
  • Advanced cybersecurity risk assessment
  • Implementation of advanced cybersecurity best practices
  • Network security measures (e.g. intrusion detection/prevention, web application firewalls)
  • Vulnerability assessments and remediation
  • Advanced threat detection and response

Reporting Activities:

  • Cybersecurity risk assessment report
  • Vulnerability assessment report

  • In-depth penetration testing and vulnerability assessments
  • Network and application architecture design and review
  • Remediation of cybersecurity incidents caused by third-party applications or software

Want to discuss how FITTS can help you uphold Security and compliance in your organisation?Contact us now