Risk Management and attack surface monitoring

Risk Management and Attack Surface Monitoring is a module that provides support for the organisation’s risk management and attack surface monitoring efforts.

About this service

  • Risk assessment: Conduct a risk assessment to determine the organisation’s current risk posture and identify areas where improvements can be made.
  • Risk management planning: Develop a risk management plan to address identified risks and mitigate potential threats.
  • Attack surface monitoring: Monitor the organisation’s attack surface, including its network infrastructure, applications, and systems, to identify potential vulnerabilities and threats.
  • Incident response planning: Develop an incident response plan to ensure that cybersecurity incidents are quickly and effectively addressed.
  • Employee cybersecurity training: Provide training and support to the organisation’s employees to ensure that they are using technology resources effectively and in compliance with industry standards and regulations.

Benefits of outsourcing:

  • Access to expertise: By outsourcing Risk Management and Attack Surface Monitoring, the organisation gains access to expertise in identifying and managing cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities.
  • Reduced costs: Outsourcing Risk Management and Attack Surface Monitoring can be more cost-effective than hiring a full-time cybersecurity professional.
  • Proactive approach to risk management: By implementing best practices for risk management and attack surface monitoring, the organisation can take a proactive approach to cybersecurity risk management and reduce the likelihood of incidents.

Risk management benefits:

  • Enhanced cybersecurity risk mitigation: Implementing best practices for risk management and attack surface monitoring can help mitigate cybersecurity risks by identifying vulnerabilities and proactively addressing them.
  • Compliance: Implementing best practices for risk management and attack surface monitoring can help the organisation meet regulatory and compliance requirements related to cybersecurity.
  • Increased resilience: By proactively managing cybersecurity risks, the organisation can improve resilience and reduce the impact of incidents on operations.
  • Risk management planning and strategy development
  • Risk identification and assessment
  • Risk mitigation and management
  • Vulnerability management and assessment
  • Attack surface monitoring and assessment
  • Incident response planning and management


Reporting Activities:

  • Risk management plan report
  • Risk assessment report
  • Vulnerability management report
  • Attack surface monitoring report
  • Incident response plan report
  • Regulatory compliance consulting and auditing
  • Remediation of incidents caused by third-party applications or software

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