Why Microsoft Power Apps should be part of your tech strategy

Countless businesses use custom applications to support their…

Using Microsoft 365 to classify and secure your data

Imagine you wake up one morning to multiple missed calls and panicked…

Managing a multi-generational workforce

What is your plan for managing a multi-generational workforce?

Over the last decade – and for the first time ever – a growing number…

Elevate your cloud security with Microsoft Cloud App Security

Elevate your cloud security with Microsoft Cloud App Security

One of the key business requirements resulting from modern workplace…

Microsoft Licences Explained

Microsoft Licences Explained

Confused by Microsoft’s cloud productivity licences?  You are not…

The Agile way - Is it right for you?

The Agile Way - Is it right for you?

What are the benefits and considerations when going down the Agile…

Advanced Threat Protection Licences Explained

Microsoft Advanced Threat Protection Licences Explained

The last few months have been incredibly challenging for…

Zoom versus Teams

Zoom versus Teams - Did I buy the right ticket?

Choosing a video conferencing and meetings solution was a decision…

Happy Birthday FITTS

FITTS – Looking back and thinking forward

This month, we at FITTS celebrated another birthday together as a…

14 New Teams Features in Microsoft 365

Microsoft last month announced a new set of features coming to…